Latin Code Week awarded teams from Venezuela and Mexico.

SAP and JA Americas announced that the “Ecoins” project, developed by young people from Venezuela, was selected by a regional jury as the winner of the 2020 edition of Latin Code Week. In addition, the “RedCo” project from Mexico was awarded by the Public Mention, by obtaining the highest number of votes on the platform

Latin Code Week's mission is to train young Latin Americans in technology tools and social-emotional skills, as well as to encourage them to study careers related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Through this initiative, young people from 12 countries in the region create innovative solutions with social impact through the development of a sustainable business model.

The challenge this year was to use technology to develop prototypes of solutions that mitigate climate change and stimulate the positive impact of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

RedCo, the app developed by the Mexico team, is an app that helps people and food businesses avoid economic losses by selling low-cost food in good condition and organic waste that today goes to the trash, thus generating carbon dioxide emissions that harm the planet.


In the case of Venezuela, the Ecoins project seeks to motivate young people to recycle, providing them with an incentive, and inviting them to continue learning about the culture of recycling.



This year, the program celebrates the fifth year of impact in the region and has managed to benefit more than 6,000 students from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, the United States, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru , Puerto Rico and Venezuela, with the support of more than 400 SAP mentors who participate in virtual workshops that foster purposeful innovation. The program also has the support of American Tower, which accompanies the finalist teams through mentoring in the final instance of the program.


JA Americas