Unique Talents, from Mexico is the “LatinCoder Team of the Year”!

The sixth edition of Latin Code Week was held, the educational program promoted by SAP and Junior Achievement (JA), which seeks to bring thousands of young people from the region closer to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers and consolidate as the workforce of the future. The initiative aims to generate learning opportunities, and promote innovation and the development of solutions with a social objective.

Since its inception, Latin Code Week has managed to benefit more than 7.000 students from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, the United States, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, with the support of more than 700 mentors from SAP and other allied organizations participating in virtual workshops that foster innovation with purpose.

The Unique Talents project, developed by young people from Mexico, was selected as the main winner of the 2021 edition and designated the “LatinCoder Team of the Year”. Its proposal seeks to support people with disabilities and pregnant women between 15 to 25 years in their search for employment, raising awareness among the population regarding negative stereotypes in the workplace.

In the “Pitch of the Year” category, the Cambalache team from Colombia was the winner! On the other hand, the whole of Peru obtained the category "Most Innovative Solution" with Gowork, an application that uses machine learning algorithms.

Emprende Hoy, from Ecuador, won the social impact award. They seek to solve the problem of youth unemployment, connecting young people who want to start a business with others who are looking to work so that the former position themselves as employers in their community.

 For its part, the team from Venezuela was awarded the mention of the public for obtaining the highest number of votes on social networks. His project Jobbie! promotes education, training and access to employment in young cancer survivors to facilitate their employment.

For SAP, it is key to promote a critical spirit, innovation and creativity in young people, as well as providing them with tools so that they can propose solutions that contribute to the well-being of their communities," said Lautaro Spotorno, Director of Social Responsibility of SAP Latin America Region. 

The young participants of Latin Code Week are challenged to solve critical problems that society and the region face with technology, contributing their creativity and special sensitivity and generating solutions that are later presented to a regional jury. This practice of developing and defending an idea is an apprenticeship that will serve them for life in whatever they decide to undertake,” said Leo Martellotto, President of JA Americas.


JA Americas