ConexiON, our educational chatbot expands and grows

  • In 2023, with the support of Delta Airlines, we launched a mobile microlearning experience through Whatsapp: ConexiON. 

  • It offers short, inspiring educational experiences to strengthen self-knowledge and enhance the employability of young people. 

  • ConexiON available in Argentina, Mexico and Peru now expands to Brazil, Colombia and Paraguay. 

In 2023, we launched ConexiON, a mobile learning initiative, available 24/7 via WhatsApps -without mobile data consumption- that offers short and inspiring educational experiences to strengthen self-knowledge and enhance the employability of young people. 


In the first phase, we developed 3 learning proposals to prepare young people to enter the world of jobs.

By completing the entire course in a linear way, young people improve their self-knowledge, allowing them to identify their skills and potential for further training and job search training, then dive into a career map and finish with a mock job interview. 

With attractive resources such as infographics, buttons, images and drop-down lists, ConexiON becomes a friendly and interactive experience for young people.  

During the first year, Argentina, Mexico and Peru participated, generating +32,000 educational experiences. 

This year, Brazil, Colombia and Paraguay also joined ConexiON, and the educational tours will be expanded to include experiences in entrepreneurship and financial education. 

Try out the chatbot here

 "I loved the clarity with which the content is explained, the fact that it is done via WhatsApp and the ease of use involved. It's a great tool" said Vanessa, ConexiON participant in Mexico. 

On the other hand, Lautaro, a ConexiON participant in Argentina said "I think it is a unique experience; it was something special, a tool that works very well for learning and learning to know oneself". 

JA Americas